Protagonist Ryoko is played by Machiko Ono, one of Japan’s most talented and accomplished actresses, who made her screen debut in Naomi Kawase’s Cannes Camera d’Or-winning “Suzaku” (97) and went on to appear in a succession of successful works including “Bali Big Brother” (2015) and “The Miracles of the Namiya General Store” (2017). Other consummate veterans fill out the supporting cast. The inimitable Joe Odagiri, known for his memorable performances in “Sway” (2006) and “Over the Fence” (2016), takes the role of Ryoko’s late husband, while the manager of the sex shop where Ryoko works is portrayed by Masatoshi Nagase, a charismatic and prolific performer whose recent credits include Naomi Kawase’s “Radiance” (2017).